

We at Small Beam turn laser-focused strategy and the power of technology to your advantage, so you as a small business can grow big and profitable!
Want a free lesson in strategic thinking?


Let's focus on the right questions!


Am I steering my business in the right direction?

A comprehensive digital strategy typically addresses various aspects, such as for example how my business is presented online, what digital marketing tactics I use, how I sell online, how I interact with my leads and customers, how I stay safe and secure online, what online ecosystem I build around my business, how I optimize my interaction with mobile devices, and how efficiently I use technology to automate parts of my business. Have I thought about these aspects enough and taken action on them?

Small Beam Services:
Focused Coaching
Strategy Workshops


How does the market perceive my brand?

What is branding and what is the importance of branding? What types of branding are there? What is the difference between my personal or individual branding and my company or business branding? Do I really know what my personal brand says about me? What can a brand do for me? Are there great examples of branding? What do people say about my business on social media? Have you ever posed these questions? Let's have an intelligent discussion about them!

Small Beam Services:
Branding website
Logo design
Brand creation
Brand development
Reputation monitoring


Is my team equipped with a fixed or a growth mindset?

What is my mindset? 
What is the mindset of my team? 
What is the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset? 
Why does mindset matter at all? 
What potential am I loosing in my business due to a wrong mindset? 
Do I and does my team get the right training that is relevant for the growth of my business? 
How can I make my team and thus my business stronger?

Small Beam Services:
Leadership coaching
Accountability partner
Sales training
Tool training


How can I better use the power of the Internet to benefit my business?

Ok, so I have an online presence. But should I have a website or a landing page or a sales funnel? What is the difference anyway? How can I automate my marketing emails? Is my online presence fast enough to not loose leads? Can my online presence even be found? How are people accessing my online presence, through desktop or mobile? Is taking care of all this my core competency that I make money with? Or could someone else that knows about all this just take care of it for me and my business?

Small Beam Services:
Hosting & support
Landing pages
Sales funnels
Email automation
Speed & SEO optimization
Mobile optimization


Are my operational tasks a bottleneck or are they automated?

How much time am I spending on non-value generating operational activities in my business? Can I automate those tasks? What if I could use the time saved through automation to concentrate on those money-making activities for my business? But what can I automate and how? Is automation the answer to everything? Maybe I can also take some workload off high-income team members and move that to lower income team members? After all, with today's technology, we can work virtually with anyone without needing to meet physically for many tasks.

Small Beam Services:
Automation services
Data synchronization
Network marketing automation
Smart processes
Virtual assistants


Is the power of technology threatening my business?

How can I be rest assured that my business is not being threatened by evil hackers? Are there any bots harming my online presence? How can I add security to my website? I heard Wordpress is not very secure. Is that true? Can I have people on-call that can help me in the event of a security incident? And what about privacy? I need to concentrate on my business, so what can go wrong anyway?

Small Beam Services:
Website Firewall
Malware Removal
Security Monitoring
File Security
Security Audit
Privacy and GDPR


Prospects, customers, clients. Do I have all three?

Who wouldn't want to utilize the power of the internet to get more leads and customers? There are various tactics when it comes to digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), contenct marketing (blogging), valuable content (ebooks, webinars), email marketing (autoresponder with virtual screening), marketing on my social media presence, paid traffic, using the power of video in my marketing efforts, split testing variations of design and/or copy. Do I have a clear picture of what works for my business? What is more important for me: lead generation or lead optimization?

Small Beam Services:
Organic traffic
Paid traffic
Conversion optimization
From customer to client
Client lifetime value


Am I connecting with my leads, customers, and clients?

What channel do I best use to communicate with my prospects and customers? Phone, videocall, FB messenger, whatsapp, sms, email, youtube, membership site? How can I get relevant content to the right customers? How can I use the power of video in my marketing? How can I make sure that my team members communicate a consistent message on social media so as not to harm my business? How can I educate my team and/or my paying customers? Do I need to rent a hotel to hold a conference for leads and customers? Or can I do all that virtually as a small business with the same or even a better benefit?

Small Beam Services:
SMS Marketing (Texting)
Content curation
Social media consistency
Online courses
Virtual summits
Video marketing


Am I only making money while I'm in the office?

... or also while I am asleep? 

Am I employed by someone else? In that case I am working for someone else's wallet.

Or am I self-employed? Ok, so then I am my own boss and am working for my own wallet. But money only comes in for the time I actually work...
Or do I own a business that can run without me? That is making money while I sleep? Or at least have a passive income stream to become more independent?

Small Beam Services:
Business systems
Passive income
Affiliate marketing
Network marketing


Is it easy for customers to leave money on my table?

What is a really easy way to accept payments from my customers? This question is more than just asking how does paypal work or how to set up a paypal account. What payment services networks are there? How can I easily and effectively hand out and manage license codes after payment? I am offering a monthly membership, so how can I handle subscriptions for my customers? Various payment methods are important in various parts of the world. How can I serve them all? Can I accept cryptocurrencies from customers that want to pay with those? And all that needs to be safe and trustworthy!

Small Beam Services:
Shopping carts
Checkout system
License management system
Subscription management
Paypal, credit cards, bank transfers, cryptocurrencies


At Small Beam, we are a team of experts with over 20 years experience in business consulting, technology and design. Our committed is geared towards small businesses. We believe that each and every small business should have the opportunity to use the power of the internet to transition from small to big and profitable growth. The knowledge and technology should be accessible to all, not just the big corporations.

We focus on those activities that get our customers results. We serve globally, but are situated physically in the cities of Stuttgart, Darmstadt, and Frankfurt, Germany. Get to know us at Small Beam one-on-one on a video call!


Owner, Founder and Creative Specialist


General Manager, Design Specialist and Operations


Assistant Manager, Mindset Coach


Assistant, Media Specialist


We will only take you on as a client if we think we can give you first-class service.

Over 20 Years of Experience
We Have the Best Materials
High Professional Standards